ATTENTION: Beginning, Intermediate and Seasoned Entrepreneurs, Solo-preneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, Network Marketers, Info-preneurs and Internet Marketers...

Ready To Quit Waking Up In A Cold Sweat Every Day On A Wild Goose Chase Desperately Searching For Your Next Client With No Real Plan On How Or If You Will Even Find Them?

Master Implementation

Join The Ranks Of Other Successful Entrepreneurs And Enjoy Big Pay Days In Your Business By Attracting And Bringing Clients To You Using A Step By Step Marketing And Implementation System Designed For Profit

Dear Fellow Business Owner:

    Does this ring a bell?

  • Every day you wake up on a wild goose chase in search of your next customer or sale, with no real plan on where they are going to come from and how you are going to convert them into a paying client. And most days nothing much is happening causing you to panic and feel frustrated.

  • You see other people in your field or industry profiting, launching products, doing live events, holding tele-classes, but you are not. Your products and services are just as good if not better but for some reason you can't make it all work and you can't figure out why. Usually the ONLY thing they have over you is that they have learned a marketing and implementation system for their business, and so can you!

  • You've have been trying to model what other successful people are doing my opting into their lists and following their emails and modeling their marketing campaigns, but you are not getting the same results.  That is because when you don't know the logic and psychology behind why they are doing what they are doing, you will never get the same result, there is MUCH more that goes on behind the scenes that you will never know by looking from the outside in. ( I used to try that too!)

  • You are having a hard time implementing in your business and taking action, the real key to profiting. Usually that is because you are so busy chasing down your next sale and working IN your business that you don't have time to work ON your business and do the things necessary to make it grow and expand so that you can reap the rewards.

  • You are sick and tired of giving prospects great information and solutions, but not getting paid for your expertise. Usually this is because you are giving away too much information and not comfortable with selling your services and afraid of appearing too pushy.  You must stop treating your business like a hobby or it will pay you like a hobby. You deserve to be paid for your expertise the same way you invest in other people for their expertise.

  • You are passionate about how your business can really help your clients and change their lives, but frustrated because your message is not getting out to the masses and feel like no one will ever get a chance to know. You must stop thinking small and operate from a system designed to get your message out BIG!

Well, All of That Is About To Change Because It Doesn't Have To Be That Way.

My name is Vicki Irvin and I am going to show aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs and business owners the exact same system I use in all my businesses that get me HUGE results.

The fact of the matter is that I consistently participate in launches that bring me 6 and 7 figure paydays regardless if it is a live event, on-line product launch, coaching program, or tele-seminar series. And yes I do ALL of this from my home office while still caring for my husband, young son and taking care of ME!

* My first big pay day came when I launched my real estate investing coaching program live from the stage. That one day brought me over half a million dollars and soon led to a multi-million dollar business within 12 months.

* Next I participated in an on-line launch with a business partner, Ed O'keefe and my husband that brought us $1.8 million dollars in the dental industry…Nope I am NOT a dentist!

* Then after that I had a $100,000 day doing another on-line launch at my Aspiring Entrepreneurs Event.

* Just this summer I had still ANOTHER $100,000 day at my Extreme Women Entrepreneurs Event in Washington, DC AND completely sold out my coaching program for entrepreneurs.

* And just a couple of weeks ago, I participated in an Affiliate business venture with my friend Kenny Rushing and made an easy 5 figures just by sending out some emails to my list and using my marketing system. I even received a bonus from him of $1,000 and a new Flat screen TV for helping to increase his sales! Not too bad for sending a couple of emails from my laptop.

* My purpose of telling you all of this is not to impress you or be a "know it all," but to show you that I am a person out there doing it, not just talking about it, and more importantly I am doing it using the exact same system I will be teaching my students.

* People are always asking me just HOW I am doing it, and the answer is simple. I am using a proven Marketing and Implementation System designed for profit that does all the heavy lifting for me.

When you have a proven marketing and implementation system set up for your business, here are some of the benefits you will be able to enjoy:

* Attract and bring clients directly to you by using squeeze and opt in pages. These suckers will do all the list building work for you, and yes you MUST have a list to make consistent money in your business. (these pages are super easy to set up).

* You will be able to easily and quickly build a rapport and relationship with your prospective clients which is paramount to making the sale.  Proven Fact…people buy from people they know and like and you must get your prospects to both know and like you.

* Get paid while creating additional info-products and services for your core business. Did you know you can create info- products for your business that you can sell for FREE? I will show you additional revenue streams in your biz you didn't even know existed and how to create them without using any money! SWEET!

* I will introduce you to secret resources for your business to do all the things you MUST have in place to profit, but on a shoe-string budget. That way you don't have to worry about being technical, all you will need to do is concentrate on your profits and let the systems do the work.

* You will finally have a marketing system set up and running that will be a clear path to profit within 30 days or less. No more floundering or chasing down dollars.

* I will teach my implementation system and mind-set necessary for you to be able to do ANY of these things that you must adopt in order to consistently grow and profit. This wealth mind-set is definitely a HUGE part of my success. No more procrastination!

As great as ALL of this sounds, there are still some critical elements we must tackle to ensure your success. Besides setting up your marketing system and getting everything into place to do the heavy lifting for you, you will also need to know the following:

  1. The psychology behind what makes a prospect say yes or no to your offering. If you don't know what needs to be said or what information is critical in helping someone to say YES to you, then the marketing system won't matter much because you don't know what marketing MESSAGE to deliver along with it (this is CRUCIAL).

  2. Learning effective email marketing is essential. It is a proven fact that people don't buy right away. If you do not learn effective email marketing to follow up with prospects and help them make the right decision and buy from you, then you are leaving THOUSANDS of dollars on the table. One shot sales attempts do not always work, you MUST master "the follow-up."

  3. Learn what compelling copy is and how to write it so that you know HOW to speak your prospects language and design your marketing messages so that they are sure to take action and buy from you.  Not knowing how to write compelling copy is drastically reducing your sales because they just don't "feel" what you are saying and so they walk away.

* If you have been trying to figure all of this out on your own by opting into other people's lists and trying to duplicate what you see them doing and it is STILL not working, there is a reason for that.

* Successful entrepreneurs have a whole lot more going on behind that curtain than you could ever imagine. They have invested time and money into perfecting their systems, understanding buyer psychology and knowing when to switch gears, increase efforts in other areas, or even scrap something not working. 

* If you don't know all the critical elements, then watching and modeling what they do from the outside will never bring you the consistent payday you want, deserve or need.

* My personal passion lies in helping the frustrated entrepreneur take their awesome business and passion and turn it into REAL profit by giving them a REAL system.  Something many other people forget about doing.

* My talents are taking your great business ideas and concepts and making sure they are automated with a clear plan for profit. Without one, you will soon fizzle out from frustration and a lack of sustainability.

* So if you have been frustrated and questioning your business or ideas and concepts, I am here to assure you that it is not your fault and you are indeed gifted. 

* If you never learned a system and never even knew you needed a real system, then how can you be expected to know what you don't know? The good part however, is that when you know better you can DO better!

*I am going to give you all the critical elements to my entire marketing and implementation system that you have never had a chance to see or learn by looking from the outside in. I am going to finally pull back the curtain in a way that I have never done before so that YOU can finally get your message out big to the world, affect your clients in a positive way and profit on a regular and consistent basis.

"How To Leap From Concept To Implementation & Profit"

Master Implementation

You will learn my proven STEP BY STEP plan for setting your business up with a marketing and implementation system designed to do all the heavy lifting for you, attract PAYING clients to you, create information products for your business and get your message out in masses, all while being in the comfort of your own home!

It doesn't matter if you are still in the idea or concept phase of your business or if you are new or seasoned, these strategies that I will be revealing are designed to have your business up and running and ready to profit consistently over and over again with no more wild goose chases. Check out some of what you will learn:

1. How To CREATE OPT IN and Squeeze Pages

Opt in and squeeze pages are designed to capture your prospects contact information so that they go on your list. Your list if your golden egg and the key to consistently profiting in your business.  No technical skills required, I will share with you how to get your pages up and running and most importantly CONVERTING prospects to paying clients! No this is NOT a website, most websites are USELESS when it comes to making money and you will learn why.

Opt in pages are a crucial step in the whole list building process, this is a MUST HAVE.
In this module you'll learn:

• The importance of opt in/squeeze pages and which model and design will work best for your target market. There are various ways of creating them and we will focus on what style will convert the best.

How to identify your target market through research to ensure you are focusing on the "right" people.  Making a mistake here can be the downfall of your business.

You will learn about "widgets" and which ones are appropriate for your target market and how to easily create them. Widgets are what you plan to offer your prospects in exchange for them giving you their name and email and contact information (list building strategy).

You will learn how to build rapport with your prospects and effectively communicate with them so that they get to know you, trust you and ultimately buy from you. Rapport building with your list is crucial to your sales conversion and you must master this.

You will learn various ways of communicating with your list and choose which method you are most comfortable with so that you can set a schedule of ongoing contact that will directly impact your sales. Some methods include tele-classes, ezines (on-line magazines) or newsletters to name a few.


"She Has Literally Reinvented My Business To One That Is Growing Consistently."

I attended Vicki's Extreme Women Entrepreneurs Event which was a changing point in my life and my business.  Her knowledge and encouragement was exactly what I needed in order to have a serious break through before I gave up! As a result of her event, I now have an automated business, I'm building my list and every day is exciting.  She has literally reinvented my business to one that is growing consistently.

Katina Davis
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni
The Eco Green Queen



"More Than $100,000 In Profit In Just The First 12 Months!"

"I have increased my net worth by $300,000 since using Vicki Irvin's principles and have made more than $100,000 in profit in just the first 12 months. Vicki only teaches win-win solutions for all parties and with the highest moral and ethical standards for her students. This is the only way to do business and it will give you the personal satisfaction that you are making a positive difference in the business community. Simply amazing!"

Cynthia Gordon Nicks
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni



"Vicki Gave Us Two Totally New Ideas We Used Immediately."

I met Vicki at a private mastermind event in the United Kingdom. She went toe-to-toe with some of the top Internet Marketers on the planet. Our business has consistently generated over $1 Million per year in sales. We thought we had exhausted all our angles and were stuck generating the same income. However, Vicki gave us two totally new ideas we used immediately. She's not even in our market but was able to give our business a totally fresh perspective. Working with her gives you the sense that she cares just as much as if it was her own business!

-- Ben Moskel
Internet Marketer

2. How To Drive Traffic for FREE to your Opt in Pages

If you don't drive traffic to your opt in pages, nobody will ever even know they are there!  There are many ways to drive traffic to your sites, some expensive and many for FREE! We will focus on the ones that are free, but we will also explore our paid traffic sources.

What do you do when you are looking to invest in a product or service? You Google, it right? I bet you do this too…

• You type in the words you want to search for on Google

When the results come back you most likely click on the links that appear on the FIRST page and most likely the ones more towards the top.

From there you contact that company about what you want.

Well if that is the case, wouldn't you want for people to be able to find YOU when they were searching for what you provide? Wouldn't YOU want to appear on those search results? You MUST have an on-line presence or you are crippling your business.

• Learn how to use basic "writing" to get ranked on Google and drive traffic back to your site so that you can increase your list size in masses.

• Learn how basic writing can position you as a leading authority in your field and have people view you as the "go to" person to buy from.

• Learn the power of blogging and how to spread your messages virally on the internet all while driving traffic back to you.

• Learn how to use social media the RIGHT way to build your list and move people off of your Facebook and Twitter and back to YOUR opt in page. There is a BIG reason it is called SOCIAL media (so many people are missing the boat).

• Learn how to use tele-classes to build your list and sell your programs and products all at the same time, once you learn how to structure them RIGHT, the pay offs are HUGE.

Anyone can use these simple strategies to gain an on-line presence and cash in on valuable internet traffic, all while building their list at the same time!


"We Decided To Do A Joint Venture Together That Resulted In A 1.8 Million Dollar On-Line Launch!"

When I first heard about the incredible work Vicki and her husband were doing in the internet marketing world, I immediately knew I had to work with them. I got my chance to meet Vicki when we both were chosen to appear in a movie about ultra-successful entrepreneurs. While I already had a successful multi-million dollar business, I knew they could take me to the next level. We decided to do a joint venture together that resulted in a 1.8 million dollar on-line launch!  Needless to say, they are now close friends and business partners that I trust and value and who know how to make money. Anyone who doesn't get close to them is insane.

Ed O'Keefe
Dentist Profits



"Her Marketing System For Implementation Has Already Resulted In Two New Clients Valued At $15,000 For My Event Planning Business!"

James MalinchakI have only recently joined Vicki Irvin's coaching program and already I have a system in place to profit for my business. I have had my business for years and have been struggling to pull all my ideas together. Her marketing system for implementation has already resulted in two new clients valued at $15,000 for my event planning business! The best part is that I can repeat this process over and over again and keep profiting.

Bonita Parker
"The Event Planning Queen"

3. Email Marketing and Writing Compelling Copy That Converts!

What you write or say when conveying your marketing message can make or break a sale. Learn the art and science of persuasive and compelling writing in your business that can convert a prospect over to a paying client.

Are you at a loss for words when you encounter a prospect on the fence about investing in your products and services? Are you unsure of how to get them off the fence?

Do you have clear concise marketing messages that shows you are in tune with the pain or problem your market is experiencing? Are you able to show them that you "get" their pain and understand them? If not, they will NOT invest with you.

When you write subject lines for your emails, do you use copy compelling enough that they will even bother to open your email to see what you have to say or offer? In this day and age of email clutter and spam, your ability to even get your emails read largely depends on how well you write compelling email subject lines.

Are you using sales letters in your marketing? If you don't know how to write a strong compelling sales letter to sell your products and services, your conversion ratio will be way down. As a marketer it is your job to sell your services, make people feel at ease and that they can trust you, and to provide them with social proof that you get real results. Sales letters can do all of that for you and believe me, you NEED them.


"As A Result Of Vicki's Inspiration At The Extreme Women Entrepreneurs Event, My First Book Is Being Published!"

"I attended Vicki Irvin's Extreme Women Entrepreneurs Event in July 2010. I found the information provided during the 3-day event to be invaluable for the aspiring entrepreneur who wants to learn the core traits and mindset required to succeed in one's own business - no excuses allowed! Vicki is an articulate, energetic presenter who educated us about the realities of and tools needed to create a profitable business.

As a result of Vicki's inspiration, my first book is being published and I even acknowledge her in my book as a business mentor! The dynamic women who I met at the conference have been inspiring and several of us have followed up to keep each other on track with pursuing out business goals.  

Thank you, Vicki!"

Laura Rodriguez
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni



"Vicki Is The Smartest Marketer I Know, Every Time She Sent Out An Email For My Campaign, I Was Able To Raise Thousands Of Dollars And Bring In New Supporters!"

I hired Vicki to run the marketing of my campaign for State's Attorney and I won! I am the first female state's attorney for my county and I made history! When you are in a race and fight that could result in your life-long dream being realized, you must carefully choose your team. Vicki is the smartest marketer I know, every time she sent out an email for my campaign, I was able to raise thousands of dollars and bring in new supporters! Everyone wanted to know who was running my campaign behind the scenes and of course it was none other than Vicki Irvin!


Angela Alsobrooks, Esq.
Prince George's County State's Attorney


4. How To Create Info-products For FREE and Sell them for Profit

Most people are so immersed in their core business that they don't see the additional hidden income streams right under their nose! Learn how to flush out additional streams of revenue within your existing business.  You should always be looking for ways to sell your information and repurpose it. For instance:

If you are a coach working one on one with clients, add a group coaching program component you can launch and teach through tele-seminars and tele-classes.  The conference line services are free and you can record your calls for free, package them up and sell them as a home study series or as bonuses for other related products and services!  Yes, you would be getting paid TWICE!

Do you hold live events? Then make sure you record them and sell your live events as a home study courses.  Learn how to structure your live events so that they can easily be transcribed into manuals CD's and DVD'S that you can sell over and over again on line.

Develop valuable E-books that people can purchase and download on line that you sell on a continuous basis. There are a few tricks for this I will be showing you.

Information products are the key to getting paid in your business on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be great to wake up each day and check your accounts to see how many people found your information products on line and went in and purchased them while you were sleeping? I know I LOVE it!


"I Have Found My Voice And Ability To Express My True Mission And The Authentic Value I Bring Thus Enabling Me To Create A Greater Impact In The World. Thank You Vicki!"

I have gained a great deal of confidence as a result of working with Vicki. She has pulled back the curtains and demystified the marketing process.  She has provided step by step guidance that is helping me gain insight and clarify my purpose.  My greatest learning curve was focusing on and crafting a clear & compelling message and communicating it clearly to potential clients. With Vicki's guidance-I have been able to craft and communicate my message successfully. I now have a plan of action and the guidance I need to implement immediately. More importantly, I have found my voice and ability to express my true mission and the authentic value I bring thus enabling me to create a greater impact in the world. Thank you Vicki!!

LaTalya Palmer-Lewis
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni



"It Was One Of Many Revelations That I Acted On From Vicki's Live Event That Has Profoundly And Positively Affected My Business."

James Malinchak"The inspiration, perspective -- and time to think -- from Vicki's Extreme Women Entrepreneurs event led me to make a major decision absolutely key to growing my business — hiring a communications and marketing expert. For too long, I was trying to do this important job on my own. It was only ONE of many revelations I had that I acted on from that weekend that has profoundly and positively affected my business."

Debbie Phillips
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni

5. Implementation and Mind-Set Strategies Critical To Your Success

All of this wonderful information, all the strategies and all of the resources I am providing with my Marketing and Implementation System mean NOTHING unless you step into a wealthy mind-set. That means working on success habits and adopting positive and winning traits. They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so during this tele-series you will have the time, encouragement and motivation you need from me in order to:

Take a look at your current habits and see where you are wasting time, money and energy on negative sources and clear them out.

Pay attention to the circles you are hanging in and stay surrounded by 'doers' not complainers who want to drag you down with them.

Give yourself a realistic time frame to actually launch a live event, tele-class, product or service, set the date, announce it to the world and THEN work on the content and developing it.  I will explain to you how reverse engineering this process will be the key to you staying in an action and implementation mode and keep you profiting on a consistent basis.

How to start dreaming bigger. If you believe you are destined to do what you do and you are passionate about affecting lives, then you MUST get your message out to the world in a BIG way.

As cliché as it may sound, when you really believe in yourself, others will see that and believe in you too.  Having a REAL system for your business will give you the vision and clarity to see how far you can really go.


"Vicki Added A Cool And Easy 5-Figures To My Launch On Her Own!"

James MalinchakI pursued Vicki Irvin to join me in the launch of my newest product because of all the wonderful things I have been hearing about her marketing programs and business savvy for years.  Lucky for me, Vicki agreed to join me.  In just a little over a week, Vicki sent out emails for me promoting my products and services and added a cool and easy 5 figures to my launch on her own. I look forward to working with her again because she gets results that turn into profit!

Kenny Rushing, CEO
Rush Capital Fund

Here's What You Get:

With so much content, I know your head is spinning, so let me break it all down so you will know exactly how I am going to deliver all of this information to you personally:

Module 1- "How  To Create Opt in and Squeeze Pages"

Module 2-
"How to Drive Traffic to Your Opt in Pages"

Module 3-
"Email Marketing and how to Write Compelling Copy that Converts"

Module 4-
"How to Create Info-products for FREE and Sell Them for Profit"

Module 5-
"Implementation and Mind-Set Strategies Critical to Your Success"

**The entire Marketing and Implementation System Delivered to you! 

Master Implementation

The entire physical product will be shipped out to you and will include the CDs of the entire tele-call series and the printed transcripts in a beautiful format you see can easily carry with you and always refer back to for a refresher when you do all your launches, promotions and events.

Bonus #1: Social Media Secrets Revealed

A complimentary downloaded copy of my Social Media Secrets Revealed course that I sell on line:

Bonus! Bonus! Bonus!Vicki's Social Media Secrets

Bonus #2:   BONUS Q&A CD Where I answer business owner questions live!


• My 5 week tele-series delivered live to your door complete with CD's and Manual.

• My resources and recommendations on getting things done with providers who have delivered amazing results for me. (included in calls)

In addition to that, you will receive the following BONUSES:

#1 The Complete Marketing and Implementation System…  CDs, and call transcripts will be delivered as a physical product that you can refer back to for all your launches, events and projects. (You Only Pay Shipping)

#2 Social Media Secret Revealed- My downloadable course on Social Media full of great tips, strategies and advice on social media marketing

#3 Bonus Q&A Call- Here me answer questions live as business owners and entrepreneurs have their most burning business questions answered!

Social Media SecretsImplementation

So Whats The Investment?

Well, that is easy... only $397. I don't think I need to get into a long drawn out explanation on how this is more than worth it. I think any blind person can clearly see this 5 week tele-series course is MORE than worth it and any entrepreneur ready to start profiting from their passion will jump on this course so that they too can start seeing results and making the money they deserve like all my other students.

You need to start thinking about your business in a different light! Using these strategies will bring you many new customers valued at way more than your investment of $397. You can barley buy a roundtrip airline ticket to take you on a vacation where you will spend over a thousand dollars in hotel, airfare, food and entertainment combined. And fancy trips usually put you more in debt and not closer to your goals of a profitable business.

So that is it. My only job is to give you what you need to make a decision if this tele-series course is what you have been needing in your business to bring it all together. 10k in 30 days seems pretty attainable now, right?

YES Vicki! Count me in! I am ready to finally learn a proven marketing and implementation system for my business so that I can get my message out to world in a BIG way, help my clients and profit from my passions!

    For just $397 I understand I'm getting:

  • Vicki's 5 training classes where she will cover all pertinent modules in 5 CD's.
  • The training will be on physical CD's that I can pop in any listen to any time.

  • Social Media Secrets Revealed! Vicki's downloadable course on how to make money with social media.
  • Vicki's Bonus Q&A call! Where I can hear the questions and answers of business owners.

One EZ Investment of $397

If you are ready to get started and set up for profit within 30 days, then grab your course now!

Talk soon!

Vicki Irvin

P.S. Remember, if you are passionate about your business prospering, this is the course for you. I hope you join the ranks of so many others who have used this course to boost their business!


"Vicki Was Able To Help Me Develop An Awesome 5 Step Process For My Client's Transformation, Name My Signature Package And Develop A System That Is 100% Authentic"

Doreena Walker I recently worked one on one with Vicki to develop my unique brand that would distinguish me from other people doing what I do. Vicki was able to help me develop an awesome 5 step process for my client's transformation, name my signature package and develop a system that is 100% authentic and unique to me. I now have the confidence to market my program because it is clear and concise and it feels just right.

Doreena Walker
Extreme Women Entrepreneur Alumni

Vick Irvin Enterprises
6333 Old Branch Ave, Suite 301
Camp Springs, MD 20748

© 2011 Vicki Irvin Enterprises

Legal Disclaimer